Sommerauer awarded several times with the world’s largest technology prize “+X Award 2021”

GUINNESS world champion biomass boiler ECOS again awarded with the world’s largest technology & innovation prize “+X AWARD 2021″. A whole 7 seals of approval, which never existed in the history of the +X Award, Sommerauer achieved in the 2nd year in a row. According to OÖ-Nachrichten, not even famous global brands such as Apple or Dyson have managed this.

The +X Award jury again selected ECOS as the “Best Product 2021” and the “Most Innovative Biomass Heating System 2021”. Sommerauer was also again awarded “Best Brand 2021” among the biomass boilers. 

The Oberösterreichische Nachrichten reported on this editorially and conducted an interview with Managing Director and Head of Development Thilo Sommerauer.

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Most efficient hybrid biomass heating system (non-condensing).  98% efficiency at 70 kW conventional nominal load with pellets.